Sunday, March 29, 2009


So I borrowed a camera from my wonderful friend Roni (thanks again!) and took some pics of things. Here are some snippets of a day in my life.

I wake up and turn on the light. The Czech light switch, which is similar to its American counterpart in operation, is far superior in design due to an increased smackability:

Then I gotta unleash the dragon (pee). I know. You're jealous. It's only natural.

Then I step outside my apartment and breathe in the frigid air. Ahhh, what a doorstep view!

Then I gotta go teach. I take the metro to Pankrac and take a leisurely walk to my class. On the way....what's that?.......that's right, more beautiful scenery!

Class is over! On the way home I gotta stop by the store. Just down the street from my local grocery store just happens to be a mural dedicated to my favorite author, Bohumil Hrabal. Apparently he used to live in this neighborhood.

It's a rare sunny day so I walk home instead of taking the tram. Here's an abandoned theatre/cafe/etc. that Hrabal used to write about:

And here's some random nice old building on the way home:

Walking through the park. I'm almost home!! (my building is the yellow one)

Later that day I dropped off a job application at a school in Zizkov. I'm glad they never called me back because their street is pretty crooked.

Instead of just tramming it home, I decided to walk under the mountain to get from Zizkov to the Krizikova metro station. The tunnel is one of my favorite places in Prague. The acoustics are just amazing.

In the afternoon, Marit and I went for a walk around town. I promised myself I wouldn't take any touristy pictures but I succumbed for a couple minutes (these next 3 pictures are all taken on the same 2-block spanse).

some building:

some fountain:

some CASTLE!!:

Later in the evening we met up with Roni in her neighborhood for dinner. Little did I realize that the artist David Cerny had a sculpture in this neighborhood of a pink Soviet tank sinking into the mud. This is of course in reference to his previous act of vandalism inflicted on the Moument to Soviet tank crews. I think reading about Cerny in Hrabal's Total Fears (which is the first book that made me fall in love with this city) was probably what began my fascination with the color pink.
So I gave Roni her camera back. Thanks again Roni!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool man.

Gorgeous sites. Awesome tank. Enviable lightswitch.

Nice to see that little bit o' your life.